A 16mm film made entirely at the lab using the timing lights of the printing process. The image is a flat field of color, a deep purplish gray, unchanging except for minor variations of film grain, chemistry, and dust. The color extends to the area that the projector interprets as sound, creating a soft, pink noise. Both image and sound then, if not entirely static, are very steady. What becomes clear in experiencing such a work is how time affects our perception: staring at a relatively undifferentiated field of color for such a duration causes it to change, at first almost imperceptibly, then over time, dramatically. The image moves, but largely because of the viewer’s physiological and emotional response to it; however, it is very much a film and can only be experienced with the pressure of time, such that “a little time in its pure state” as Deleuze writes, “rises up to the surface of the screen. Time ceases to be derived from movement, it appears in itself… .”